SEC-3.3.1 FlexVPN challenge/Exploration lab

Greetings programs!

This is a lab topology I put together in EVE-NG to help me sharpen up my knowledge and skills with IKev2/FlexVPN. The baseline configuration uses pre-shared keys and there’s quite a bit of preconfigure.



Screenshot of topology

Here’s a screenshot of the topology.  I’ll give a big shout out to whomever can explain why tunnel 100 between r1 and r2 exists.  🙂


There’s two initial versions in the repo.

  • There’s the actual challenge lab where I removed some bits of config here and there to make it more fun.
  • There’s a partially completed version using pre-share keys.  flex mesh works, the ASA part works, flex client works.  No config on R7.  You could use this as a starting point to work on the tasks in the lab.



Challenge lab proper

Challenge lab with working basic config

Fire it up and let me know what you think!  If you get everything working, feel free to do a pull, inject some faults and create some troubleshooting labs.   Here’s the link to the github repo:

Happy labbing!


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